
VIDEO OF THE TIMES: What Would Jesus Do


Big Brother

We are being watched, and always have been. The reality of an eye above watching you, is no less a reality.

"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean that nobody's following you." On the contrary, in today's society you have to be crazy to think that nobody is watching or listening; the fact is they are. Every bank, restaurant, government office, supermarket and most street intersection are equipped with cameras. Given the high-tech surveillance, a new word would have to be coined to describe the derangement of an individual who, in the face of all the facts to the contrary, insists that he is not under constant surveillance.

The technological strides of the surveillance industry are impressive. There are computerized devices that can match faces in a crowd to digital photographs in databases. Technology that can identify patterns on the retina, hand prints or voice patterns and the establishment claims that it’s for our own good - to protect us from the criminal element especially, the terrorist! A well-placed paranoia but buttressed it by reading George Orwell's 1984 and it will generate doubts about the purity of the intentions. Whether we are to be the victims or the beneficiaries of the paranoid universe - the choice is ours. Everybody shares in the feeling that someone is watching us.

"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean that nobody's watching you."
