

Marijuana, the so called “stepping stone”, the “gateway drug” is the most widely used illicit drug in the US. This analogy somehow evokes ideas that are often confusing. It is a widely held theory of drug use and abuse that there are stages of progression, from tobacco and alcohol to marijuana and from marijuana to other illicit drugs. That somehow, this idea of progression from marijuana to other drugs arises from the pharmacological properties of marijuana itself, which is false.

The basis of the gateway theory is from the report by the Center of Addiction and Substance (CASA) using the data from NIDA’s 1991 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. However, a new study by the RAND Drug Policy Research Center put a doubt on the claim that marijuana as a gateway drug. The study does not argue whether it should be legalized or decriminalized.

The link between marijuana and other illegal drugs stems from the fact that they are illegal. Because they are illegal, marijuana and other drugs are only available on the black market. As for the teens, it is easier to get marijuana than to buy alcohol and anyone who enters the drug market is likely to have a greater exposure and opportunity and are under greater social pressure to try other illegal drugs People who are predisposed to use drugs and the opportunity to use drugs are more likely than others to use both marijuana and harder drugs and the environmental aspects also have stronger influence on which type of substance is used. The likelihood that someone will transition to the use of illegal drugs is determined not by the preceding use of marijuana but instead by the user’s individual tendencies and environmental circumstances.

We focus and emphasized more on the drugs themselves but we tend to forget the more important factors that shape a person’s behavior. To be more effective in fighting drug abuse, we should devote more attention to early interventions that addresses the issues, such as parenting skills that shape the child’s behavior. Behavior modification, Identification of children who exhibit antisocial tendencies as well as peers and environmental factors.

Waiting To Inhale

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