
Franken Food

Today, most of the food available in supermarkets has been genetically engineered. It is estimated at about 70 percent of corn and soy sold the grocery stores in United States and Canada are Genetically Modified. Scientist can impart desired genetic characteristics by splicing genetic segments of one species into the genes of another. This genetic intrusion could never occur in naturally. The odds are great that we consumed these food everyday without knowing. With no long-term studies conducted as to the effects on safety and the impact on our environments, we are the guinea pigs! The controversy continues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a 53 minute video is a bit too long. however, here's my take.

i did a research paper on gmo's recently, after several attempts to find a stance on it, im still neutral about the whole issue. however...

yes, a majority of grovery shelves have been genetically modified, more generally, MODIFIED, everything has been changed, processed food, canned food, etc. these chemicals injected into these foods are somehow on the same level as gmo's, at least the science aspect of it. Gmo's are probably the highest form of science regarding our foods today, of course their are endless rebuttles for gmo's but there are some possibilities of its goodness. if we insert a gene that resists pnuemonia into the sequence of lets say a tomato, then consuming that tomato would be beneficial no? and, have you heard of the golden rice project in asia? its a pro-gmo idea and ongoing, where genetically modified rice that consists of vitamin D is given to the inhabitants of the third world b/c a staggering amount of children die from vit D deficiency every year, ergo, the golden rice project aids them in one way. and the fact that, for over a decade, humans have been consuming gmo's and there has not been one evidence or death, illness, and/or disease...everyone eats it. its pretty hard to avoid consuming anything nowadays un-gmo without having to spend a paycheck.

there's my argument. i do however, hate monsanto and those corporate hoggers!!