

We see in life what we want to see. The truth is, we create our own reality. If we search for ugliness I’m sure we’ll find plenty of it. We convince ourselves that our problems are ours alone, and we spend so much of our time hiding our angst, which causes more stress. I learned that everybody struggles with issues and nobody is completely happy and comfortable -- and knowing that is such a huge relief. We feel less alone. We naturally have the tendency to compare ourselves to others who are doing better, but rarely look at less fortunate or a homeless person on the street and thank our good fortune.

We need to figure out our purpose, identify what we love and value most. Because if we achieve the things we value most, I think, we'll be less riveted by what the others are doing. And I know it is a lifelong struggle. The Joneses, the media, and American culture will forever seduce us to betray what is genuinely meaningful for what is comfortable, beautiful, and enviable.

It is by changing the way we think. Unlearned what we learned. To me, it's all a matter of intention. There is so much to be grateful for, so much to be in awe about. Life is precious and extraordinary. If we put our attention on this fact, the little, ordinary things will take on a whole new meaning.

12:58pm – 08/01/06 (Los Angeles, CA)


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