
Achieve Nirvana by Learning as much as Possible about Life and the Universe.

The forces which created us, random or otherwise, have spoken. And I've determined that life sucks. I struggle with all these problems year after year and getting nowhere. I wonder if anything will ever change and the unavoidable reality of it all is…. that life really sucks! Dealing with this reality is a constant struggle, day in and day out. Without an end in sight! How do you deal with this dilemma? I walk everyday on this planet and somehow I see the pain and suffering of people but somehow the rest of society just don’t give a crap about it. Most people I know are oblivious to the ills of the world. Busy with their own delusions and desires. Feeding their own ego! They are so out of touch that I feel like smacking their heads so they can come to their senses or pull their head out from their ass and show them reality. Maybe, this is what life is about anyway, no meaning, no purpose just self indulgence and seek your own happiness, whatever it maybe since we are all going to die anyway... sooner or later. Sounds selfish? Maybe. Life is about... me and I and myself! We are here to compete with each other, which is a natural instinct of every living species from a single cell to the most complex. Survival instinct. The law of nature. We may surrounds ourselves with the latest technologies offer by science but somehow we still cannot deny our primordial instinct to compete in order to survive. But, this not the kind of competition from millions of eons ago, this is different! We now compete for acceptance and status. We hordes material things while other could not even eat. From non-essential to the most ridiculous just to prove we can afford and can get it. To feel secured. To proved that we have arrived and be accepted. We busied our lives just to avoid and play blind to the people who need our assistance, our compassion. The same people promised by the system during the election year. But as an individual what can I do? Is having a sense of awareness enough? Maybe it is just only the beginning of a personal journey.

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